The Importance of Clean Drinking Water
September 2022
Water is a primary necessity for survival, while drinking clean water is the primary necessity for healthy survival.
It is important to consume clean drinking water. A necessary element is required to reach ultimate health and hygiene. The more we put stress on the provision of clean drinking water for all, the less.
Why is water so important?
The scientific community agrees wholeheartedly that a human being can last three weeks without eating, but when it comes to water, most individuals are unable to survive more than three to four days without it. Even if the individual continues to breathe after being dehydrated, they will still fall into shock and become vegetative. To put it another way, water is an essential component. Without it, it is impossible for a living person to continue in life. However, despite this, there are still billions of people all around the world who do not have access to clean water for drinking. This is a horrifying reality.
The shortage of clean water
While those who live in developed countries with numerous luxuries might find it odd that many third-world countries still don’t have access to clean water, it is a reality. There are many countries/places where clean water is unavailable, or water that is appropriate for human consumption is limited.
Back in 2010, the UN General Assembly recognized the right of humans to water and sanitation. They agreed that everyone around the world should be provided sufficient, safe, clean, affordable, and continuous water for drinking and for domestic use.
The question here arises why is there a dire need to provide clean water to all?
If we drink water that is contaminated, it can lead to different diseases, for instance, cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid, and even polio.
Cholera is quite a severe water-borne disease. Back in history, when almost a million people from Rwanda went to Congo, more than 60,000 cases of cholera were reported, out of which 40,000 people died.
Similarly, polluted water can cause diarrhea, especially among children. Over 800,000 people die from diarrhea resulting from the consumption of contaminated water.
Drinking contaminated water is also linked to the transmission of dysentery as well as hepatitis A.
Besides other causes that lead to typhoid fever and polio, unclean water is also one of them.
How We Can Help
If we provide people with clean drinking water, it can improve their health and boost the overall economic growth of the country. If people are able to access clean water easily, they have to spend less time physically collecting it from elsewhere. In turn, they can be productive in other ways.
Meanwhile, when children are able to drink clean drinking water, they can have better health, improved school attendance, and overall positive long-term effects.
Also, clean water aids in allowing the body to remove different kinds of toxins, whether developed internally in the body or attained from outside sources.
In short, clean drinking water means healthy people, and healthy people mean a healthy, prosperous, and economically advanced society.
Acts for Water
Acts for Water is an organization in Uganda that provides clean, accessible water. The reason they provide clean water in Uganda is that more than 8.4 million people living in that country do not have access to safe, clean drinking water. It means that many of the people living there develop health issues that threaten their life and well-being. At the same time, thousands have to walk every day with heavy bins to get access to clean water. It is the belief of Acts for Water that clean water is important for the overall health of a community.
Having access to clean water gives people hope; it allows them to believe that there’s someone looking out for them and that their lives are just as important. We provide children and their families with the opportunity to have hope for a better future. If you are interested in knowing more, please get in touch with