The Absolute Essential

When asked what kept him motivated all those years, Jim Wardroper, founder of ACTS, welcomed the stroll down memory lane. At 94 years old, he had plenty of stories to share about the early days.

Inspired by the story of Hudson Taylor, Jim similarly found himself on a beach one day surrendering his future to God, willing to go where he would lead him. But it would be 26 years later when he’d recognize the answer to that prayer!

Those years were full of ups and downs including opposition from people groups and government bodies, silent times waiting for the next right step, starts and stops, and redirections. 

“I had nothing to give up! I just kept stepping through the open doors in front of me – no pushing, they just opened.”

Jim (1972-1992) was the first of several leaders in ACTS’ history willing to watch for opportunities and boldly walk through open doors. Those who followed him – David Moore (1992-2014), Nate Lepp (2014-2017), and Jeff Golby (2017-current) – have pressed on with the courage to risk, and the strength to evaluate projects with eyes for innovation and growth. 50 years of miracles and hard work poising Acts for the next 50.

I asked Jim to describe this work in one sentence. Reminding me that “you can go without food for 40 days, but without water for only 3 days”, he paused to take a sip himself. Wetting his throat, he concluded confidently, “Water is the absolute essential.” 

Isn’t that the truth, I thought. 

Through the course of ACTS’ ups and downs, one thing has remained consistent: the need for water. And it’s with that truth and this legacy that Acts for Water leans forward for 50 more.

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