Imelda’s Joy
When we first met her, Imelda was working along the steep hillside in the heat of the day, struggling to provide for her family.
She shared her excitement and how she’d gladly give her own time to dig, haul and carry pipes and bricks alongside her community to build a new water system.
Back in November, we shared this video with you and asked you to join Imelda in overcoming water poverty for her community of Masha Village together – taking a turn like a relay runner to carry the baton so that the arduous journey would become manageable.
You had an incredible role in her story! Thanks to your help and a partnership with the local district government, Imelda’s hard work has been transformed into work that empowers her life, the life of her family, and the life of the entire community of Masha Village. The taps have all turned on for this project, and your gift of clean water is flowing!
Now that Imelda’s long walk has ended, she is using that extra time she used to spend walking to collect water can be spent cultivating her garden and helping her children achieve the brighter future she’d always dreamed they’d have. Pure joy!!
“We are so happy for ACTS’ help giving us access to clean water today! I am so glad! You also helped us get involved in development activities so we have income for our families – teaching us how to make bar and liquid soaps, pads, and jelly. This development has grown our community. We shall now have surplus for our family from all these new projects you have taught us!!” – Imelda
Thank you for overcoming together with Imelda and this community. This Thanksgiving, they are experiencing the joy and life-giving benefits of your gift of clean water!!