What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?

As a kid, one of my least enjoyable pre-Thanksgiving-dinner activities was going around the table and sharing “one thing” that we were thankful for. It felt like torture to watch the turkey cool while I racked my brain for something. It’s funny that now I make my kids do it, because well, the practice is pretty crucial (but I let my 4 year old eat while she does it, because some battles aren’t worth ruining turkey dinner for).

In Uganda, these are the quotes of gratitude for clean water being shared around our team’s table:

Testimonial from Jovlet
Testimonial from Ruth
Testimonial from Rosette

Now, more than ever it feels crucial to share the big and the little stories of gratitude. I’m feeling particularly grateful for those of you who made it possible for our team to walk with Ruth, Jovlet and Rosette, to help these women [over] come so much, together.

From our table to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

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