UWASNET Praises Acts for Water’s Fast Action

Uganda Water and Sanitation NGO Network (UWASNET) Highlighted Acts for Water out of 200 Member Organizations

UWASNET Praises Acts’s Fast Action

This week UWASNET’s newsletter praises Acts for Water’s COVID-19 information blitzkrieg. Acts for Water’s blitzkrieg against COVID-19 was a concentrated two day offensive that swept through 17 villages with informational tracts/posters and hygiene items, such as gloves, soap bars, and bleach. The war-like maneuver began at the Syroma Primary School with the distribution teams gathering gear and then dispersing into the surrounding villages. Equipment was dispensed and Tippy tap construction demonstrations were carried out.

Click here to read UWASNET’s full account of Acts for Water’s blitzkrieg against COVID-19.

UWASNET, Uganda Water and Sanitation NGO Network, is the national umbrella organization for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the Water and Environment sector in Uganda. It identifies and coordinates CSOs and has about 200 member organizations spread throughout Uganda.

UWASNET, Uganda Water and Sanitation NGO Network

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