Empowering Communities with Water

Acts for Water's Mission in Uganda

People joyously splashing water

In the heart of rural Uganda, a quiet revolution is taking place. It’s not marked by grand ceremonies or flashy technology, but by the simple sound of clean water flowing from taps and wells. Acts for Water, a dedicated Christian charity from Canada, is at the forefront of this transformation, bringing life-changing access to clean water and empowering communities to maintain it for generations to come. Their work is a testament to the power of faith in action, embodying service and compassion.

The Reality of Water Scarcity

For many of us, access to clean water is as simple as turning on a tap. But in many parts of Uganda, the reality is different. Families often face long, dangerous treks to collect water that isn’t even safe to drink. This was the case in numerous villages before Acts for Water stepped in, answering the call to serve their global neighbours.


1 in 4

people worldwide don't have access to clean water.

Here's how we are making a lasting impact:

Innovative Water Systems

Using gravity-flow system harnesses the natural landscape to bring water to entire villages

Community Training

Local water committees are formed and trained to oversee operations

Hygiene Education

Alongside water access, Acts for Water promotes hygiene practices to maximize health benefits

Ongoing Support

Local partners continue to assist communities as they transition to self-sufficiency

The Ripple Effect of Clean Water

The impact of clean, accessible water extends far beyond quenching thirst. It transforms entire communities, much like how living water transforms lives:
Education Flows
When children no longer need to spend hours fetching water, they can attend school regularly. This is especially crucial for young girls, who often bear the burden of water collection.
Health Flourishes
Access to clean water dramatically reduces the incidence of waterborne diseases, leading to healthier families and communities.
Economic Opportunities Emerge
With time saved and improved health, parents can focus on work and entrepreneurship, helping to break the cycle of poverty.

The Path to Sustainability

Acts for Water’s approach aligns with best practices in the field and reflects principles of stewardship and community:

  • Local Involvement: By training and empowering local communities, Acts for Water ensures that water systems remain functional long after initial installation.
  • Holistic WASH Approach: Like other successful organizations, Acts for Water focuses on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) as interconnected elements of community health, recognizing the interconnectedness of all aspects of life.
  • Long-term Commitment: While the goal is self-sufficiency, Acts for Water doesn’t rush the process, providing support for as long as necessary to ensure lasting change.

Your Role in the Clean Water Revolution

The work of Acts for Water is vital, but it can’t be accomplished alone. Here’s how you can be part of this transformative mission and live out your faith through action:

Learn: Learn more about the global water crisis and share your knowledge with others, becoming a voice for the voiceless.
Donate: Your financial support can provide clean water to those who need it most, becoming a tangible expression of God’s love.
Spread the Word: Share the story of Acts for Water with your community and on social media, inspiring others to join in this mission.

Do you want to support Acts for water today?

Fact: No gift is too small, even small contributions can provide clean water to individuals for life.