The Magic Ingredient: Social Capital
Don’t you just love when someone shares a recipe with you and includes that coveted “magic ingredient”?
Our team has been following along with the communities where water and hygiene projects have been completed within the last 3 years. As they monitor results and consider what it is that makes communities truly thrive, they’ve noticed something significant.
It seems the magic ingredient to a community thriving is: social capital.
In each community, there’s been remarkable value added as a result of the connections, trust, and teamwork that bring people together.
Just like money helps you buy things, social capital helps you access resources and support through your friends and networks. It’s what makes our social bonds strong and helps us work together towards common goals.
Throughout the lifespan of a project, community members collaborate with ACTS’ staff. This begins with the initial appraisal that is done to map out all the resources and lacks within the community. Collaboration continues as community members are encouraged to join in with the construction of the water system. And then even more so as they help their own neighbours improve the hygiene in their households by building proper toilets and handwashing stations.
Ugandans have invested a substantial amount of social capital in partnership with ACTS, building an incredible network of relationships. The community labour contribution to construction activities alone was equivalent to adding 11 full-time volunteers to the construction team for one year!
As neighbours rally together to create positive change, they see magical results. Their collective effort leads to further resources being mobilized, such as the generous involvement of the local district governments and increased income through coop savings groups!
Ibanda District (Kicuzi & Kanywambogo Projects)
- Labour contribution made by community members = 215,648 hrs
- Committees formed = 101 committees / 505 people
- Local financial contributions
- Community members ($3,346)
- District government ($178,615)
- Parents at schools ($1,142) = $183,103
Isingiro District (Masha & Kanywameizi Projects)
- Labour contribution made by community members = 27,843 hrs
- Committees formed = 154 committees / 770 people
- Local financial contributions
- Community members ($3,235)
- District government ($118,615)
Parents at schools ($7,041) = $128,891
Organized Coop Groups (Community-Based Organisations – CBOs) formed in both districts
- 8 groups (170 people) trained in entrepreneurship
- Local revenue generated back into communities from groups within 3 months:
- $371 in loans was provided over a period of 3 months
- Savings grew from $508 to $1,319 three months after entrepreneurship training
Your neighbourly support of these water projects has been a spark for social capital!
Thank you for joining us in empowering Ugandans to build thriving communities: starting with water.