Flowing Forward Because Of You!

This month, Acts for Water is celebrating how your generosity has kept 669 Ugandan kids in school because of your gift of water and toilets. Now, we want to bring that impact to the broader community!

With just $10 a month for one year, you can provide someone with water for life—a sustainable impact that helps break the cycle of water poverty.

Will you join 224 fellow Source Supporters and help us create a lasting legacy of sustainable water systems?

Your kindness can make all the difference.

Canadian Centra for Christian Charities
Kentro Network Member Logo
Gislason Targownik Peters logo
Dejagar Volkant

Your gift will tangibly impact the life of someone currently living without clean water – providing hope, safety and joy to an entire community. Thank you – we cannot do this work without you.  

Thank You for your generosity. Please click HERE if you have questions on our gift acceptance policy.