Water Connects Us All

TapStand: Volume 3 Edition 1

In October, we introduced The Jerry Can Project – an opportunity for Canadian families to connect with their own communities in raising money to bring clean water – for life – to Ugandan families in need. 18 ambassadors rallied 110 people, and together, we raised over $21,500 to provide 43 families the access to clean, disease-free water. That wasn’t the only good news though. In the midst of a year of physical distancing, despite separation, families from Canada to Uganda found unexpected connections through the gift of clean water.

“In this time of a global pandemic, it’s never been more clear to us how privileged we are as a family; we know all of us are facing the challenges of COVID-19, but the burden is not equal. We have so much to work with, so many resources, and we believe there’s no better time to share them with others…
People need clean water and we can help. It’s that simple.
– Scott & Taryne, Canada

Scott and Taryne rallied their community for the Jerry Can Project 14,000 kilometres away from Evalyn.

“We were using and drinking contaminated water from dirty swamps. We had challenges as women to garden – no drop of water at home yet we had to cover a distance of an hour to get water. Since Acts came, they built a water system near our homes. Now that I have just come from the garden, I will fetch water and shortly prepare lunch so that my children find it ready. Acts has also taught us health hygiene and sanitation which has made us improve our lives and this has saved much costs from us for hospitals. We could not drink our usual water without boiling because of much dirt, but we are thankful for constructing clean and safe water that doesn’t require us to boil. You have still saved us from firewood!
Thank you for bringing us clean water.”

– Evalyn, Uganda

Across physical distances, borders, cultures and boundaries – water connects us all.

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