The TapStand

Volume 5 Edition 2

There’s been so much project activity in Uganda lately – activity inspired by caring people like you – and it’s fun to see where it’s leading!

  • In October 2022, two projects broke ground to build retrofits and extensions for two water systems serving 16 villages.
  • By May 2023, those two projects were commissioned, and 20,000 more people in Kanywambogo & Kanywameizi are now drinking clean, safe water. Take your front-row seat at their celebration by watching this 2-minute recap below
  • And then, just days later, the team broke ground on the next project in Irimya. This one’s a bit of a “pipe dream” to serve 14,000 more people. 

There’s more about Irimya, along with why two grandmothers named Molly wrote a song and what makes a girl named Talent so proud, in
your newest online edition of The TapStand.

(Click on the full-screen icon on the bottom right-hand corner
to read the TapStand in full effect.)

This burst in activity, increase in people drinking clean water, and amazing life change wouldn’t be possible without you. 

Thank you for caring so deeply for these global neighbours.

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