Patricia’s Drinking Clean Water Today!!

Patricia’s Drinking Clean Water Today!!

Remember sweet Patricia from Kisabo Village? 

When we met her back in April, she shared her dream with us of being able to attend school. Because she was responsible for fetching water for her family, taking her hours each day, she’d been missing classes regularly.

Well… today is a great day in Kisabo Village. Thanks to so many of you and your generous support, Patricia’s dream is coming true! She is now enjoying your gift of clean, disease-free water – both her blue cup and her smile are overflowing!

“I want to thank Acts for bringing clean water to our school and for saving us from walking long distances behind hills and that you saved us from not having common diseases. When I am in class and feel thirsty, I just walk to the compound and find a tap! Thank you so much for honoring our request!”

This project was never a part of our original plans. It only happened because so many of you gave so generously. Our team broke ground in Kisabo Village earlier in the year and began extending pipe lines and building latrines at Patricia’s school, Nyamabaare Primary. With the tap now turned on and 3 of the 5 latrine blocks complete, that extra time she used to spend walking to and from the swamp can now be spent attending school, doing homework and playing with her friends. 

2 other complete latrines at Nyamabare

This new tap stand and these clean latrines are things dreams are made of. Your support to bring a smile to Patricia’s face and make school more accessible for her fellow classmates means the world. Real change is happening, starting with water.

PS. The soft launch of our Fall Campaign, We [over] Come Together is today. The first 25 people who sign up will receive a free bottle of Life Lather soap from K’Pure Naturals and be entered in a draw for $500 of K’Pure product! Click HERE for details.


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