What’s got kids rushing back to school in Katanoga?
Aah.. the excitement of a new school year.
If you’re like me, you’re probably rushing around last minute to grab those new school supplies, packing lunches, and attempting to “harness” your children’s energy in prep for the BIG first day.
There’s a flood of excitement rushing through Katanoga Primary School in Uganda right now too.
“Oh they have built a washing facility with a basin and a mirror! I had never experienced this! I cannot miss washing my hands after visiting the latrine now.”
While it may be a seemingly unremarkable school supply to you and me, the innovation by our team to design and construct a tap and sink in the side of the latrine, with a mirror positioned to attract students to wash their hands, is so noteworthy. Not often seen in rural Ugandan schools, it’s prompting kids to look at themselves, and that reflection prompts handwashing, which was enabled by the steady drip of clean water thanks to your support.
As young girls like Devine get older, attendance drops significantly because they don’t have the proper facilities to manage their hygiene needs at school, which is why a simple innovation like the tap, sink, & mirror has a ripple effect.
“I highly appreciate this new initiative by ACTS that has helped pupils to eliminate diseases. What can I say about this mirror?! The number of pupils has increased! I can’t surely express the happiness that is in this school!” – Beteth, Health Teacher
That reflection Devine now sees in the mirror as she washes her hands is the start of a much brighter future – one filled with health and opportunity.
Thanks to you for making the first day of school brighter for so many more.
PS. It’s our 50th Year! We need your help to ensure our future is bright and to keep ensuring kids like Devine’s are too. Rising inflation and declining donor count have put this in jeopardy. You can change this. Click HERE to join our Brighter Futures 50th Year Campaign. Fundraise $500 from your friends and family, to increase our donor count and raise the money needed to bring water to 1 family this fall.