Introducing Life Lather:

The Suds that Save Lives

Introducing Life Lather: The Suds that Save Lives

COVID-19 has impressed upon us all, like nothing before, the vital importance of hand-washing and clean water as the most critical means to prevent the spread of viruses, bacteria and other diseases.

But what happens when the water you walk for hours to collect is filled with worms, bacteria and viruses itself? Or when you lack the means to buy soap, have no access to a hand-washing station or are unaware of the basics for hygiene?

Container of Life Lather hand wash soapThrough a unique partnership with K’Pure Naturals – a local family based business – we’ve created Life Lather, an all-natural, non-toxic, moisturizing, foaming hand wash that saves lives. Life Lather comes in a unique Sweet Orange scent and is sure to be a hit this holiday season! Your purchase of Life Lather will provide an Emergency Health Kit for someone living in rural East Africa to keep them safe against COVID-19. 

An Emergency Health Kit provides:

• Clean water for a year

• Soap-making classes to teach families how to make soap with locally sourced materials

• Hand-washing and hygiene training

Rather than us hand out soap, we’re teaching soap-making workshops as a way to give communities a sustainable, long-term solution to fight viruses, disease and more. Read about the current impact this is having HERE.

You can buy Life Lather directly from K’Pure Naturals from their site Right Here! Or, you can make a donation of $50 and get a bottle of Life Lather FREE by clicking HERE.

Women in Uganda utilizing hand wash made from locally grown ingredients

“Acts for Water is doing great things and really making a difference! I am beyond excited and proud to have the opportunity to align K’pure and Act, to bring more awareness to this amazing cause!” – Karen Johnson, Founder and CEO

We couldn’t be more thrilled about this unique opportunity to engage Canadians in giving back this Holiday Season while creating real, sustainable and life changing impact for people who need it most right now in Uganda” – Jeff Golby, CEO, Acts for Water.

Join us today in giving a $5 Emergency Health Kit to someone in need. It will provide the essentials of life, to protect someone in East Africa this Christmas and for years to come. Give $50 (enough for 10 Kits) and get a free bottle of Life Lather today!


*Limit of 1 Life Lather Bottle per customer.

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