Just Plain Thrilled:

Christmas Greetings from Uganda

It’s thrilling to walk into this Christmas season knowing that your generous support has helped make this year brighter for so many!

Thank you for giving the best kind of gift. One with overflowing benefits.

Enabling 35,000 people in the regions of Kicuzi and Masha with access to clean and safe water and transforming the health of 33 villages means our team sees the faces of friends like Imelda, Harriet, and Nalugo glowing with excitement because clean water is now at their doorsteps.

You have helped us continue working towards our mission amidst the challenges of COVID, Ebola, and the poor economy, making a difference for our growing team (who send their greetings in this video below).

We are exceptionally grateful for you! May you have an amazing time of celebration with your community this festive season.

Merry Christmas on behalf of our entire team,
– Richard

Director of Field Operations | Uganda

PS. A little festive greeting from our growing team in Uganda awaits you. Click here to see their smiling faces!


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