Joyce’s Great Secret
Water Accessibility in Uganda Changed Joyce’s Life
Joyce, a 54-year-old woman from Rubingo, leans over as if she’s got the greatest secret to tell and beams:
“Have I told you yet? Water is life.”
For most of her life, collecting water was a daily struggle. It took hours each day to get just enough water for drinking, cooking, and washing. She would fearfully send her children to get water knowing it was dangerous and that they could fall into the well. And without clean water, Joyce’s children ran the risk of dangerous and debilitating waterborne diseases.
But then you helped Acts for Water build a Gravity Flow System in her community, one of the most drought resistant water solutions, and Joyce received the gift of clean water – which in many ways brought her new life.
That was twelve years ago and she is still excited about it. What used to be an arduous chore is now a luxury. “I go more than 10 times a day now. Whenever I want, I go and get water. Free of charge!” she laughs joyfully.

When Joyce was told that Acts for Water was bringing fresh, clean water right to her neighbourhood, she energetically joined the team of local community labourers and gratefully helped dig trenches for the water pipes. “I felt tired but I was thinking: I’m getting a good thing.”
She still remembers that joyful time: “When we got these taps, we thanked God!”
Can you imagine living half of your life in one circumstance only to have it transformed in a single day? The gift of clean water now frees up so much time for Joyce to grow food, beans and matoke for her family. “I just dig, dig, dig, from morning to evening,” she says excitedly.

No matter the age, clean water is transforming for those who would otherwise go without.
That is why Acts for Water focusses so much on sustainability – to ensure that Joyce’s gift of clean water from a resilient system lasts for decades to come. For her children and her children’s children too. So that generations of Ugandans to come get to experience that same gift of sweet, clean water opening doors toward a thriving future.
After all, like Joyce’s secret tells: Water is life.
We believe that a more equitable world – a world filled with more opportunity, more potential, more thriving – starts when people have access to clean, safe water.
“A more equitable world means to me…giving people opportunity! The opportunity to learn, grow, and work. The opportunity to access education, and become the next generation’s teachers, doctors, politicians, environmentalists, and business owners–regardless of where they come from. More equity means providing a way for everyone to make the most of their life, and be in a position to help others. Equal opportunity is what a more equitable world means to me.”
– Tracey DeGraaf, Director of International Programs
When you give $10/monthly today, you give one more woman like Joyce clean water for life.
Thank you for your help in making the world Joyce and her future family lives in, that much more equitable.