A healthy future flows from access to clean, safe water.
A lack of clean water affects every aspect of a person’s life.
The solution should too.

490 million
people are without access to a safe water source
every minute
a newborn dies from an infection caused by the lack of safe, clean water
fewer people would die from diarrhea if everyone everywhere had clean water
The good news is that providing a community with access to clean water can profoundly impact its health.
For 30 years, we’ve been serving the extreme rural poor with the world’s most sustainable water hygiene and sanitation solution.
Our project in Kicuzi has seen waterborne diseases like Typhoid drop by over 90% and results like these:
of households now get their water from clean sources
increase in the practice of washing with soap
97% +
of households in the project area are verified as open defecation free

When you partner with Acts for Water, your gift really is good to the last drop.