Half the Cost, Double the Reach

Local Leaders Are Extending Impact Thanks to You

by Ambrose Bigaba | Program Director, Uganda

ACTS Uganda has begun using a new method called Train the Trainer to amplify the current Entrepreneurship Program.

As the team teaches local people to become trainers, they help even more people and faster.

Local trainers know their communities well, so they teach their peers in the most relevant and helpful way. It’s all about using what’s already great in the community to ensure sustainable knowledge transfer. The personalized approach means more successful and sustainable entrepreneurial ventures can grow the economy and development in these areas too.

Beginning in October in 5 Districts with 500 people each, Train the Trainer will create exponential impact by helping reach more people using half the time and money!

Your loyal support means this amazing, cost-saving plan can keep going strong and ultimately broaden and share effective training with 100,000 people.

The reach from community to community is multiplying richer, healthier lives, with you by our side and we couldn’t be more grateful.