A Better Way to Give Clean Water

Join us in seeing 100,000 more people thriving through clean water delivered in a radically sustainable, holistic way.

We’ve created a blueprint for building sustainable systems and empowering healthy communities for a thriving Uganda and now we want to pivot like never before. See the full blueprint HERE or watch the video to learn more.

We Can Do Better

The clean water sector’s dirty truth is that we have not done sustainability well. In fact, 7 out of 10 water access points put in across Africa have failed. We need to do better. We’ve created a blueprint for sustainability and now we want to pivot, to go back to our 30 years worth of assets to do something pretty incredible. Join us today in a better way to give water.

Our Blueprint for Resilience

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Building Sustainable Systems

Investing in our 30 years of Gravity Flow Systems first, to achieve unprecedented, sustainable results.

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Empowering Healthy Communities

  Ensuring 100% of the clean water reaches 100% of its potential by working with schools and homes, empowering communities to take control of their hygiene future and the systems that deliver it.

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Innovation for Resilience

Each community is different, and we are always learning how to better build, serve and sustain our work. Innovation and partnerships are integral to giving water and growing resilience.

Full details of Our Blueprint for Resilience can be seen HERE.

Sustainability In Uganda, Sustainability In Canada

Ugandan Child Quenching Thirst from ACTS for Water-Installed Tap

Why the Pledge: We want to partner with you to become the most sustainable water charity in Canada. We believe in a better way to provide clean, safe water to those in need, and a critical part of that is to get off of the fundraising treadmill that causes us to waste money on appeals, limits our ability to plan sustainably and ultimately prevents our ability to commit for the long haul to the communities we serve. 

This is why we’re so passionate about inviting you into a special relationship as a Source Supporter – our Monthly Membership program. Your gift will go up to four times further because it allows us to be so much more effective! Not only this, but we’ll be sure to give you exclusive access to project updates and events. Commit to us as we commit to building the most resilient water systems in the world. 

Monthly Membership isn’t feasible for everyone. Another way to join us in building sustainability is to make a pledge towards our new direction. This allows us to plan projects of a certain scope and impact knowing you are walking alongside these communities annually for the next 4 years [click here].

Together we can serve 100,000 people more comprehensively than ever before and can build a more sustainable, resilient charity while doing so.

Sustainability is Complicated

It’s something no one wants to talk about, but it’s crucial to address if we’re ever going to change our sector’s track record.

We obsess over this issue: how can we better empower our local communities to govern and manage the systems that have been gifted to them? If you want to obsess with us, join us as a Source Supporter.

With Acts for Water, Your Gift Goes Further

We don’t know all of the keys to sustainability, but we do know that pairing money making opportunities with the water you have helped provide goes a long way to influencing the health of the community. 

If you get excited about seeing creative ways to advance hygiene health through economic opportunities, join us today as a Source Supporter.


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About Acts for Water

We believe giving a child clean, accessible water is the best way to help them transform their future.

We’re focussed on being the best at just that, but we need your help to do even more. 

For over 30 years, passionate people like you have been partnering with Acts for Water to provide clean, accessible water delivered right to the homes of children in rural Uganda. 

This work has changed everything and now we need you to join us so that we can continue empowering communities and changing lives.

A Better Way to Give Clean Water

30 years and 30 Gravity Flow Systems

What’s working, what needs to be improved and what we’re going to do about it.

Click the drop-down menu below to view individual water systems