You can help children like Nalugo go from thirst to thriving
this summer.

Join us in partnering with local volunteers to bring clean, fresh water to rural Ugandans when they need it most

Your gift of $25 will help 5 more kids receive clean water for a year!

Harriet’s Family. 

Meet Harriet. Her arms have carried needless stress, needless disease, and needless strain for too many years.

Harriet lives with her 3 children and 8 grandchildren in a small village in rural Uganda. She has survived drinking dirty water from the swamp all her life. Everyday at 3 AM, Harriet wakes up to fetch water there, and when she arrives there’s already a line up. Everyone wants water before it runs out amidst drought.

After fetching water, she must work a hard 11 hours at the banana fields in the dry heat. The thirst is unimaginable. But her day doesn’t end there. She must go back and fetch water for her family again. Harriet can’t wait for supporters like you to help bring clean water to her community. When the clean water system is built, she’ll spend less time fetching water with her jerry can, and more time playing with her grandchildren.

You can help make life better for Harriet’s family and so many others. Help end the thirst by giving today!

Can you imagine?

Can you imagine not having a cool glass of water to drink amidst the summer heat? Or your daughter having to drop out of school because she doesn’t have access to clean water, a hand-washing station, or soap during this global pandemic?

Water Poverty is the single most important threat to a thriving community. And children and women are 8x more likely to fetch water than men – meaning missed time in school and sacrificing opportunities for health, income, and a thriving future. It’s the reality for so many Ugandans today, but it doesn’t have to be.

For just $25, you’ll provide a year of clean water to end the thirst for 5 kids this summer.

About Acts for Water

We believe giving a child clean, accessible water is the best way to help them transform their future.

We’re focussed on being the best at just that, but we need your help to do even more. 

For over 30 years, passionate people like you have been partnering with Acts for Water to provide clean, accessible water delivered right to the homes of children in rural Uganda. 

This work has changed everything and now we need you to join us so that we can continue empowering communities and changing lives.

Our Approach