How Clean Water Impacts Education in Uganda

“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.”  – Benjamin Franklin

Uganda has been suffering profusely due to the lack of access to clean water and water poverty has created a ripple effect for so many. 

Women and children walk for miles, multiple times a day, to fetch water for their households. With most of their time dedicated to carrying heavy loads of water, children often miss school. Those who do make it to school are still at risk of developing a type of waterborne disease from drinking contaminated water which hampers work productivity, school attendance, and responsibilities to take care of at home. The entire family suffers as a result, along with the Ugandan economy. 

Education and Water: How Water Impacts Education

Traditional gender norms in Uganda set predefined roles and responsibilities for females. So, often, lack of access to clean water compels families to pull their girls out of school, holding them back from reaching their full potential. 

The water they do fetch is often from surface sources such as rivers, ponds, swamps or lakes. These areas are contaminated by livestock, latrine disposal systems, and debris from surrounding mud and soil. This highly increases the risk of developing life-threatening diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, and hepatitis. An overwhelming amount of diseases treated in Uganda are waterborne diseases. 

The water crisis in Uganda is imminent and needs to be addressed, which is why Acts For Water believes strongly in using clean and sustainable water programs to help empower the lives of Ugandans. 

How the Clean Water Program Has Helped School Children

Schools, especially in rural Uganda, have latrines that aren’t very accessible for children suffering from disabilities. They are not safe, private, or clean. Many children opt to go home instead of using these latrines or stay home altogether. This poses a major threat to education. 

Painting on an outer wall of a school in Uganda

Clean, piped water supply will

  • Improve the quality of education and attendance
  • Provide proper sanitation and hygiene for children with disabilities 
  • Allow girls to feel safe and respected with access to separate toilets, especially when they’re menstruating
  • Boost inclusivity 

Empowering the children of Uganda through education will strengthen the Ugandan economy in the future. It is our desire to continue to supply clean water until every child is safe, and every household has access. Join us in our efforts to overcome water poverty together. Give the gift of clean water today. 

Now that you’re more aware of the pressing conditions in Uganda, especially its rural parts, it is important to join us in making a difference and transforming the lives of Ugandan people. You can donate to our clean water projects here.

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