A Brave Hello

The Power of Your Kindness

Do you recognize this cheerful face?

Athens is the heart and soul behind our project updates, sharing true gratitude with you – our caring community.

Her journey with ACTS Uganda is a story of a deep impact grown over time.

As a student in 2008, Athens dared to use her English to greet Nancy (a Canadian team member visiting Athens’ village during a water project) with a brave “hello”!

Nancy’s belief in this bold, young student led to opportunities to read on the ACTS radio station, be an interpreter, and eventually to full-time employment with the ACTS Education Program.

Athens says she “found her true calling,” as she connected with students and parents in water project areas, offering them unwavering support.

Understanding their family background enabled me to help each student according to her or his challenge. Working with the ACTS Education Program has helped me to really be a parent even before being a mother.”

Having now grown into a Communications & Media role, Athens continues to use her talent to capture stories of those in need of water, with dignity and thoughtfulness.

Like Nancy, you extend kindness to the people of Uganda. Your kind gifts provide the support this team needs to employ and encourage local staff in their callings and see deep impact grown over time.

Thank you!