February 21, 2022
Project Update

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I run into people (including friends) who think the idea of giving to charity is the craziest thing in the world! It’s only when you talk to some of these people that you really are reminded of how counter-cultural communities like ours are. It reminds me of how lucky I am to be a part of this tribe.

One piece of feedback we heard from our donor survey was to know quickly and clearly what is happening because of your partnership in Uganda. Our new Project Update emails are simple and designed to do just that: give our generous community a quick glance into what’s happening right now in Uganda.

Every month we’ll give you a snapshot of how our projects are doing and in between Athens will keep a rolling log of the updates on this site.

Project Update Infographic

If you want to dive a little deeper into what makes our water systems so resilient, I’ve written a post HERE.

Thanks for helping make this progress possible!

~ Jeff

PS. Learn 4 things you never knew about our resilient water systems over on our blog, The Reservoir. https://acts.ca/resilient-water-systems/